Our loan closet is mostly for temporary use of an electrolarynx.

Check the Local club list for clubs in your area.

If you are going to the Voice Institute at the IAL this year, you might want to take a look at our scholarship.

We have beautiful free brochures that you may want for handing out at your club or clinic.

Be proud of WebWhispers, and wear a pin or patch.

Loan Closet

Laryngectomee Members

The WebWhispers Loan Closet offers a limited time loan of an electrolarynx (EL) to WW members residing in the US. This offer is for those who have the need for a temporary unit while their own unit is in for repairs or for pre-op or post-op members who wish to try a unit.  These loans are for up to 90 days. The member is always responsible for the safe return of the unit to our Loan Closet Custodians including the postage and insurance to ship it back.

Professional Members

We tried to help where we could but our small supply of loaners for our members could not stem the river of requests that we began to receive. Most SLPs did not want to assume the responsibility for the unit and for its shipping both ways. 

Other SLPs helped the patient and family to work out a WebWhispers membership so they could get a loaner from us. Some of these patients have become good active members, are educated in rehabilitation and now helping others.  We encourage them to ask questions of our group, join their local club and learn from each other as well as professionals.


1. The most likely method is to get an EL using insurance, if the patient has it. Deal with a reputable company who understands what help is available and knows how to deal with what the insurance company needs.

2. Check with the State to see what is available. A few states will furnish an EL and many have telephone services or instruments.

CHART OF STATES PROGRAMS  –https://mn.gov/deaf-hard-of-hearing/communication-access/ted/

More information on State TEDPA programs can be found on our website in the Suppliers section.

3. There are now several excellent ELs on the market for as little as $199.  They use regular batteries and make good units for Clinics and Hospitals for demonstration or to furnish for the patients on a temporary basis.  They also can be good backups so that patients have a spare unit at low cost.

In the red horizontal menu above, select Suppliers for the vendors who are listed with us.  You can check with them to see if they have any special sales or used units for sale at reduced prices.

4. If there is a local club with a loan closet, it would be better to check their loan capabilities before requesting a unit from us. If you are unaware of a local group in your area, check the IAL Clubs Listings at: https://www.theialvoice.org/

Our WW listings refer to the IAL club listing although we do have a list by state.

5. If the new patient has computer access, membership in WebWhispers is free and we have a loan closet for MEMBERS only. A caregiver can also join and share their address, but these are not give away. They are loaners for up to 90 days and we sometimes extend the return date.

6. On our site, under Talking Again, there is helpful information for the patient on use of the EL.

7. If you are working with patients, please order some of our free brochures for handout in the Free for the Asking section.

Borrowing or returning a unit


The following information must be submitted before the loan can be approved and we will do our best to send a loaner of the type you need.  We do not have all types… only what is donated by individuals who have an extra unit or by families of deceased laryngectomees.

Note: To use the Loan Closet, You must be a member of WebWhispers. You can join by submitting the membership application.

You may also make these requests by sending an email directly to loancloset@webwhispers.org. This email address reaches all volunteer workers in the loan closet.


On our Talking Again page under Electrolarynx are instructions for setting your own voice for several brands of ELs.  Please watch the videos to learn how to adjust the EL to suite the patient.


We appreciate how careful most borrowers have been to return the merchandise when their needs have been met. This has enabled us to continue to fill other requests. We do not have an unlimited supply.

Our limit is 90 days and if you are going to go over that time, please write to loan closet for permission to do so.


Due to the high customs/import duties, shipping and insurance costs, etc., the services of the WW Loan Closet is not offered to our International members. There are organizations abroad for those needing to borrow such equipment.

Donations of Equipment Accepted

If you have an electrolarynx or an amplifier no longer in use and wish to donate it for the use of the WW Loan Closet, we will facilitate getting it to people who need it. We appreciate your help.

We do not accept other types of laryngectomee products.


Special thanks go to the following vendors:

Jim Lauder (Lauder Enterprises)
Richard Najarian (Bruce Medical)
ATOS (Griffin Laboratories)
Carl Breski (Mountain Precision Mfg)——-please note that Carl Breski of MPM has passed away and the new contact is Cheri Brougham and the company name is NuVois Inc.
USA’s Fat Freddy and Servox GmbH in Germany (Annual – Batteries) ——–Servox GmbH is now Servona.

Accepted for WW Loaner Closet

Michael Csapo is the custodian and manager of the loan closet. Contact Michael Csapo for information on shipping at:


As a charitable organization, as described in IRS § 501(c)(3), WebWhispers is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with IRS § 170.

Local Support Group Information

The primary list of local support group can be found on the IAL website at https://www.theialvoice.org/. Our list links to the IAL as well as including information that his not listed with the IAL. Select the Local Support Group title above to go to our listings.

Scholarships for IAL Voice Institute

A Plan for Continuing Education


WebWhispers members can apply for scholarships to help them attend the IAL Voice Institute held each year. First time Voice Institute attendees get top priority, other newer laryngectomees are considered next. Other factors are also considered but these two groups are considered first.

Register to attend the IAL Voice Institute first, then complete our application form.

WW Pins, Hats & Brochures

Proud to be in WebWhispers?

We want people to spread the word that we are here to help others. Please order some brochures to hand out to your doctor, speech therapist, clinic, hospital, American Cancer Society and the local club. 

Brochures may be ordered at no charge.

Email: brochures@webwhispers.org

Please include name, address and the approximate number of brochures  (10, 50,100) you would like us to send.

Donations to defer the cost of brochures and distribution, although not
required to order brochures, are gratefully accepted. To make a donation:

WebWhispers, Inc
P O Box 1275
Powder Springs, GA 30127

Make check payable to WebWhispers

or go to the upper right of the Home page to access our donations on-line form.

Pins and Patches

WebWhisper pins and patches can also be purchased at the same address. If interested, contact the email address above for the brochures to see if they are available.