In addition to sharing activities at the IAL Annual Meeting and Voice Institute, where we have our own face-to-face talks with those who can attend and our Awards Dinner for WebWhispers at the IAL conferences, we sometimes show up and support Regional or State Conferences. We sometimes sponsor a WW Cruise.. It’s been a great way to discover we are not alone and we can travel a good bit of the world. We have a meeting on shipboard to get better acquainted and a hosted cocktail party. For those who wish, we usually have dinner together in the evening, but make our own plans for breakfast and lunch. You can hardly walk the ship without seeing one of our group or hearing the bzzz of an electrolarynx. We come from all over the world, but mostly from the USA, and chit-chat with each other online. Look in the Other National and Local Events for think in our area.
Social Media Communication
We primarily communicate between members via the Email list and Facebook. Guidelines for use are found in the sections below. Personal email are also used between those that know each other.
Email List
A private, confidential, email list of WebWhispers Members
Purpose and Guidelines
The purpose of the WebWhispers [WebW] Email list is the sharing of knowledge and experiences among laryngectomees, caregivers, family, friends, and medical personnel. Your questions, answers, and comments should be relevant to laryngectomee rehabilitation, support and assistance. Subjects for discussions should relate to diagnosis and treatment of cancers, learning to live as a laryngectomee, methods of communication, WW administration notices or discussions of WW issues and activities. Our list is moderated and emails not appropriate will be rejected or discarded at the moderators discretion. See list guidelines below.
A letter from one of our members tells how he feels about it:
The vast majority of posts are written by Larys in a non-professional,
non-medical format expressing their individual experiences, problems
and solutions. It is this “informal” format that allows problems,
specific to laryngectomees, to be addressed by those who have found
solutions. Many times these have not been adequately addressed by the
medical community. Most often, this is done in a “This is what works for
me” approach as opposed to “This is THE answer to your problem” method.
I believe this to be the essence of the way the site works and why it
is so successful.
How our list works
List emails are sent to you through a “Digest”, where you typically receive two emails a day from the WebWhispers list emails of the previous 12 hours (Subject is Whisperers Digest year/issue#). It contains an index of the emails and is easy to scroll down, pausing at the ones you wish to read. They are sent in plain text and separated by a line.
An alternative to the “Digest” version is also available where subscribers will receive emails individually, as they come to us.
You may read or search all messages sent via the WebWhispers list, from Dec 2005 to current date. The archives have search capabilities and the email address is at the bottom of every email you receive through the list, protected with the same information as you use to enter the web site ‘Members Area’.
Please remember that these lists contain private information and are not to be shared with others or to be used for personal profit or commercial reasons. All issues relating to subscribing, unsubscribing, rules, suggestions or complaints relating to the email list should be addressed to the List Managers at
If there are any questions please feel free to contact us.
~Michael Csapo
Director Facebook Admin Backup IA – List Mgr
Official List Basic Rules:
Members are expected to comply with the following guidelines:
Our list is plain text and will not accept attachments!
ORIGINATING EMAILS (by members only)
1. BASIC – Keep your message clearly stated, ‘reasonably’ brief and to
the point but give enough information so we can understand the
situation. When appropriate, use URLs (web site addresses) to direct
members to other sites for information rather than copying masses of
information that will go into everyone’s computers.
In regard to rule #1 – its a guideline. Everyone is
different. Some people can reply to a subject clear and concisely with a
paragraph or two. Others (albeit rare) will use several pages. To the
extent possible just be concise and clear, there is really no limit on
words so long it pertains to the subject.
2. SUBJECT – Your emails must have a subject that is
descriptive of what you are sending. The computer returns those with a
blank subject line or bounces those using the Digest # as a subject, and
sends you a standard response regarding subject lines. We never see it.
3. NAME – We expect the courtesy of a signature from
the person writing the message. Moderators will likely remind you with a
note if you forget. Most members sign with name, year of surgery or
where they live. This is permissible and appreciated. You may list your
email address again if you wish. We will not allow your private
addresses, telephone numbers or personal websites. Businesses (our
vendor members) will be allowed their signature and website address.
Volunteers with WW will be able to sign with their position and the WW
email address, if needed.
4. COMMUNICATE CLEARLY – Use format of upper and
lower case letters. A “spell-checker” is recommended and good grammar
helps understanding.
CAPS: Using all CAPITAL LETTERS in the cyber world is
considered shouting. There are some members whose vision is impaired
and we understand that it benefits them to use Caps. For others, it is
okay to use caps to bring attention to a few words or phrase to place
EMPHASIS or draw attention to that but we ask that unless one has
problems with vision to refrain from using ONLY CAPS.
5. BE COURTEOUS AND POLITE – Treat others as you
would want them to treat you. We are participating to learn, share, and
have a constructive exchange of information. This is something which the
moderators vigilantly screen for. Basically it is common sense. We have
nearly 3000 members of all ages, ethnicity and backgrounds and we do
not want to create a hostile environment for anyone.
It is okay to complain or disagree so long as it tactful and not intended harmful. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
6. PRIVATE MAIL – Send direct to the person you wish
to reach with personal messages, holiday greetings, “thank you” notes,
comments, or congratulations. Notices and letters of any kind which
might copy your private mailing list to the entire WebWhispers list
membership will be discarded. Remove our list address from your group
mailings of the latest cartoons, jokes or stories.
Address to if it is for the entire list.
Address to the member ‘only’ if it is personal.
Address to both if you are replying to the person’s question with information that is also useful to other members. (Do not leave the other person’s email on your answer as we all got the original question in the list)
When the original list message you are answering is sent back with
your reply to the list, the computer will truncate it to no more than 5
lines. If it doesn’t truncate, it will be rejected and you will need to
clean it off and send your new message again. Be sure to check what is
attached to your message before sending. You might “copy and paste” a
short excerpt from the original email. That would be allowed.
1. Our system is set to accept only plain text and will reject
attachments of any kind. The decorated stationery and figures will not
come through and if they are “attached” or “embedded” in your email,
your message could be lost. Do not send files or photos.
2. Do not forward emails containing multiple
addresses, headers, footers, unreadable junk emails, chain letters,
virus warnings, letters, jokes or stories making the rounds, as they
will be discarded.
3. Blatant “flames”, insults, personal attacks,
inflammatory, impolite, partisan political commentary, profanity, sexual
innuendo, or uncivil behavior will not be tolerated on the list. Please
do not use your frustration or anger to privately flame other members.
Remember you obtained the address from our records and we have set rules on this.
4. Anti-spam “challenge and response” email systems
are not compatible with our free exchange of email messages and those
using them will be precluded from participating.
4. Anti-spam “challenge and response” email systems
are not compatible with our free exchange of email messages and those
using them will be precluded from participating.
5. We do not allow topics in our email list related
to smoking or anti-smoking, why the government and/or tobacco firms are
evil, whether people have a right to smoke, what did/did not cause our
cancers or who/what is to blame. We do allow those discussions in our
WW Facebook Message Boards.
1. Email distribution list changes: Note at the bottom of each email you receive through the distribution list, there is a special link for you to use to
unsubscribe, switch to/from digest, get on/off vacation or change your
email address. Before forwarding that message, remove this personal
record or anyone can use it to adjust your list records.
2. Membership record and roster: All notices of changes to your membership record should be changed by filling in an Update. See the upper right of the home page of the website for “How to Join or Update”,
3. Death notices sent in for WW member should not be sent to the list but should be sent directly to so that records may be changed, a notice sent in our weekly report to the list, the family contacted and the member’s name added to our memorial page. Our Membership changes are reported in the weekend report and include new members, deceased members, and a copy of our main passwords for the members areas.
1. Some of our laryngectomee members also enjoy a “sales, consultant, or marketing relationship” with various laryngectomee related vendors. Any member, who is in such an arrangement with a vendor, should disclose that connection when writing to the membership concerning that particular vendor’s products or making comments about a competitor’s products.
2. Advertising by vendors is not allowed with occasional exceptions for special or new products. Write to:
3. Notices of Regional meetings shall be restricted to simple notices using URLs to refer to web sites for details. No selling of advertising for programs or reminders for our members to sign up for a local event will be allowed. We now have a Current Notices page for listing information. Please send your information to for web postings.
4. No vendor, other club, or organization shall use WebWhispers email lists as their method of communication with our members. Since we are an IAL affiliated club, standard notices from the IAL, that normally go to the club officers of any IAL club, should be sent to our WW officers for our distribution. Scheduling announcements relating to the Annual Meeting and Voice Institute will be allowed and it will also be found on our Current Notices page.
5. Local laryngectomee clubs, may not use the mail list or our membership roster for a direct list mailout for the local club.
On our website under Services, we have a page for listings and notices of Local Club Meetings. Any local club affiliated with the IAL has a link to their Club section where they should have posted the latest info on that club.
Other clubs are welcome to send us the information for contacts and meeting schedule and we will insert that with the club name on the Local Clubs page..
You may also enter news of your local club by using our Facebook Group.
We will relax the rules enough that if you wish to check the weekly report of new members and send a private email invitation to anyone living in your area to visit or join your organization. However, please do not just take an email address from our roster or new member’s list and add it to a standard mailout without asking permission of the person. That would be spam and a violation of the privacy rules.
Every message goes through a Moderator and may be rejected or discarded if the above guidelines are not followed. Our moderators will be in charge of what goes on the list and are instructed to ask the Moderating Committee if it is not absolutely clear what to do with a message.
Reprinting/Copying Guidelines
All of our Emails are exchanged between members on a limited distribution system, are stored on a password-protected archive, and may often contain intimate, personal details. Therefore, readers interested in reprinting published emails from our Listservs for use in another newsletter, handout, or any other noncommercial purpose are welcome to do so after requesting and receiving permission from the author of the email as long as other members are not mentioned.
If no author is indicated, a request for permission to reprint and
to get/use the author’s name should be sent to the email address of the
sender of that message. The reprinted email should be credited to the
author (if permission is given to use the name) and to the WebWhispers
Email List. This will insure that no confidentialities will be
inadvertently breached.
The WebWhispers website, including the Email lists, bulletin board and chat room, is designed to educate. Under no circumstance is it meant to replace the expert care and advice of a qualified physician or speech language pathologist. Information contained herein may be invalid or subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Physicians, writers, editors and club officials assume no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public. Users of the WebWhispers site and other services should consult directly with their own physicians or healthcare professionals for any medical care or advice.
1. If your topic is one that is clearly not related to the purpose of the group or calls for a lot of discussion and perhaps heated disagreement, refer the message to Facebook, which is much less restrictive than the Email list.
2. Our vendor/supplier members may list specials, advertise sales, or introduce new products on the Message Board section of Facebook.
3. To safeguard the membership, no solicitation of funds for any person or organization, except for bona fide WebWhispers projects, may be sent via our WebWhispers Email Lists but may be posted on the Message Board section of the Facebook. Equipment requests must go through the Loan Closet. All such requests for funds or equipment sent to either of the Email Lists will be rejected or discarded by the moderator.
We have set up a special category in the Forum for all of these Holiday Greeting occasions, but here is Dutch from 2003 (PS)
Webbies …
One or twice a year, within the scope of my duties as Moderator,
I find it advisable to highlight and explain our “Holiday Greetings”
policy. Our Email Netiquette Guidelines state, in part, “Due to
the size of our membership, please refrain from sending greetings –
for Holidays such as Christmas, New Years, Memorial Day,
Mothers and Fathers Days, Birthdays, Anniversaries, to the List.”
This is NOT because we are anti-holiday, but rather because we
are pro-common sense. Past experience has shown that if one
person sends a “stand alone” greeting to the group, many, many,
many more often follow. When our group was small, this “Holiday
Email barrage” was manageable and tolerable. But, as we grew
to 300-400 members, it became unmanageable and even irritating
to many members. So, several years ago, we established the
Holiday Greetings policy. We now have over 860 members
who participate in some way on our Listservs. If just ONE HALF
of our group decided to send holiday greetings on just ONE holiday,
our Email server would be tasked to generate approximately
369,800 individual Emails to the membership!!
So, please honor our policy. We KNOW that every WW member
wishes every OTHER WW member a happy holiday season – be it
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, Boxing Day, or Hanukkah.
“Stand alone” holiday greeting Emails (that is, those containing
ONLY a holiday greeting) will not be released to the list.
However, if you write a normal informative, substantive Email to
the group, addressing a normal ListServ subject or issue, there
is nothing wrong with adding a short holiday greeting to the end
of it, should you feel the need. As in all things when dealing with
groups … just use your good judgment and common sense.
Thanks for honoring and understanding this policy.
The Smoking Gun
This was written in May, 2004 by our Founder, Dutch Helms.. It was similar to ones that went before and has been copied several times since. It addresses one of the most difficult topics we ever have. (PS)
Many Emails dealing with “SMOKING” may well be of interest to some of our members, but we would appreciate keeping the Emails related to pro-smoking, anti-smoking, what did or did not cause our cancer, who is to blame, why the government is “evil”, why “big tobacco” is “evil”, how the tobacco firms are trying to improve their “product, how it is our “right” to smoke, if we wish, etc., to individual, PRIVATE messages rather than sending them to the WW group since we are a list devoted PRIMARILY, by design & choice, to laryngectomee rehabilitation, NOT to debating or arguing, ad nauseum and ad infinitum, the “tobacco issue.”
Years of experience has taught us that “Smoking” Emails on this list fall into one of two main categories: (1) preaching to the choir or (2) expressing “opinions” or “attitudes” that just make people angry or hostile. Neither category really impacts on “laryngectomy rehabilitation.” We have either “been there and done that” or not. And, with over 1,300 members, we all have our own strongly held beliefs and opinions … on all sides of this very divisive issue.
Thus, the WW leadership AND membership, almost from DAY ONE, has concluded that such discussions are, more often than not, counterproductive on this List. and tend to generate a lot HEAT, a lot of BAD feelings, but very little LIGHT.
This does not mean that those members with strong feelings, on any side, are not welcome to pursue their agendas. They ARE, but just NOT HERE! This List is simply NOT the proper nor the welcome/appropriate “political forum.”
Those interested in debating or tackling “smoking issues” can, at a bare minimum, check our Volunteer Section contained in the General Information section. There you can find many lists, bulletin boards, etc., devoted to that subject and can join them, if they wish, OR use the WebWhispers Facebook.
We would like to keep this organization focused on “rehabilitation” or on “how to live successfully as a laryngectomee” … two very challenging tasks in themselves – without getting bogged down or entangled in the never-ending “politics of tobacco.”
We thank you all for your continued understanding in this regard.
Dutch, WW Webmaster
End of Basic Rules
Hints for Communications within WebWhispers – The E-Mail List
New members
This is what our Welcome message says about emails: You are being subscribed to our moderated WebW list and you will begin to receive incoming email from our email distribution list. Emails, on laryngectomee related subjects, are sent, simultaneously, to all list members. Please keep those emails on topic, courteous and to the point. Do not return the entire message to which you are replying and send personal messages directly to the individual. We do not permit attachments, embedded graphics, or using the list for commercial purposes. List address for publication is Email must be sent from a member address.
Here is the way you communicate with us via the email list:
You send an appropriate email from the address you gave us for
yourself and it will be delivered to the mailboxes of all enrolled
people including you (the current size of the emailing list is near 1900
email addresses.)
1. Send an email, addressed to:
2. Give it a subject that relates to what you are going to say.
3. Write your message into the body of the email
4. Sign it so we have your name. (email addresses do not always tell who is writing.)
5. Under your name, you may add the year of surgery or your city or state for added info.
6. Send it…….
It must clear the management of our lists as coming from a registered
member; then,goes to our moderators and after approval, on to the list
and will come through in the 12 hour, 2 Daily Whispers Digest….
roughly Mid-night and Mid-day. You may get answers directly to your
mailbox from other members or in the next Daily Whispers.
At the bottom of the particular message you would like to reply to, there are two choices:
1. Click on Reply to Sender
and it will bring up an email addressed only to the sender with their
subject. (you can add list address if you also want it to go to the
2. Click on Reply to List and it will bring up an email addressed only to the list with that same subject.
You can always just address a new email…if your email system does respond this way. It says Send List Emails to: .
You may also change the subject if you want to write about something different.
1. If you send “from” any other of your addresses, the computer doesn’t know who you are and it doesn’t go thru.
2. If you send “to” any address other than:, it will not find the list.
3. No subject, the computer stops it and we never see it.
4. If you try to reply by hitting reply or reply all on your email program then the new email subject comes up with the Digest address.. (highlight, delete and fill in appropriate subject. The Digest # subject has no meaning and will not go through.)
5. If you mark anything of ours Spam, you are dropped from the list entirely and a notice is sent. You must answer to get back on the list. This also does some damage to whisperers to be labeled spam.
6. Some seem to try filling in another application with a message at the bottom will get to everyone. Not so. Write an email, as described.
7. Writing to our other whisperers addresses or to any volunteer personally for them to enter a message for you does not work. If we enter your message, it shows and our message and the answers come to us… Send an email, as described.
Send comments to and it goes to 4 of us to solve
the problem. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps. You might
print it out for reference.
Pat Sanders
Lary 1995
WebWhispers Vacation Address
What if you are going on vacation and want to suspend your WW Emails while you are gone? What is the easiest way to do this? EASY!! From the Email address you use for WW, simply send a BLANK EMail to: ““. This will immediately stop Emails from being sent to your address. When you return from vacation and want to resume getting your WW Emails you simply repeat the process … sending a BLANK Email to that same address. That Email will then toggle you back onto normal distribution for your WW Emails.
Email List Archives
You may read or search all messages sent via the WebWhispers list, from Dec 2005 to current date. The archives have search capabilities and are stored at: It is protected with a members shared password.
Please remember that these lists contain private information and are not to be shared with others or to be used for personal profit or commercial reasons. All issues relating to subscribing, unsubscribing, rules, suggestions or complaints relating to the email list should be addressed to the List Managers at
If there are any questions please feel free to contact us.
Jeff Vanden Hogen
VP Internet Activities
WebWhispers, Inc.
WebWhispers FACEBOOK for members only
The WebWhispers Facebook Group is open to all survivors of cancer of
the throat and larynx, their caregivers, members of their families, and
the professionals who serve our community in the belief that everyone
should be permitted to benefit from our Facebook exchange of
experiences, thoughts and suggestions. Most of our members are
laryngectomies and members of WebWhispers, but many are not. To join the WebWhispers Facebook Group, please Click on the following URL: You will be asked three simple questions. Once an admin has reviewed your request to join and approved your request, you will be added and introduced to the other group members.
Those who are not members of our main website are also encouraged to join us there at:
Membership is free of charge, but the benefits are priceless. They
include a vast library of accumulated knowledge which will ease this
journey you are on, a private message board forum where we meet and form friendships while we gain invaluable knowledge, and an email-list to
which we can send any question which still puzzles us. Those questions
will be distributed to some 2000 laryngectomies, caregivers and
professionals, a remarkable resource available nowhere else.
In regard to rule #1 – its a guideline.
Everyone is different. Some people can reply to a subject clear and
concisely with a paragraph or two. Others (albeit rare) will use several
pages. To the extent possible just be concise and clear, there is
really no limit on words so long it pertains to the subject.
CAPS: Using all CAPITAL LETTERS in the cyber world is considered
shouting. There are some members whose vision is impaired and we
understand that it benefits them to use Caps. For others, it is okay to
use caps to bring attention to a few words or phrase to place EMPHASIS
or draw attention to that but we ask that unless one has problems with
vision to refrain from using ONLY CAPS.
Courtesy and politeness: Basically it is common sense. We have
nearly 4000 members of all ages, ethnicity and backgrounds and we do not
want to create a hostile environment for anyone.
Complaints: It is okay to complain or disagree so long as it tactful
and not intended harmful. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.
IAL Dinners

Select the IAL Dinners title above for more detail.
WW IAL and Annual Dinner Activities
The IAL meetings and dinners are a great way to meet other Laryngectomies, Medical professionals, and Vendors. You make a lot of new friends and will learn more that you ever thought possible.
Cruise Activities

Select the Cruise Activities title to go to our current event.
Slide Shows of WW Cruises can be found on YouTube by searching for WebWhispers Cruises.
These cruises are designed for us to get together with our fellow members and we invite laryngectomees from other groups to join us for the fun and the chance to get better acquainted. Friends and families of all are welcome. A great way to make a lot of new friends and learn a lot is on the WebWhispers cruises. The cruises are always a wonderful time.
All sponsored cruises are handled by Cruise Vacations. All reservations and payments are to be made directly through them.
Other National and Local Events
This contains information on reoccurring events. For currents you can access them from the home page that shows the most current event or you can access the list of events from the button below the current event listed.
ATOS Medical
ATOS holds local events for laryngectomees all over the country. Check with them for more information as to what is offered in your area for
Professional training events and conferences.
Association for Head and Neck Cancer Rehabilitation Clinical Laryngectomy
Conference (AHNCR)
The Association for Head & Neck Cancer Rehabilitation (AHNCR)
will hold the 4nd Annual Clinical Laryngectomy Conference at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. The Association provides clinicians with the highest level of instruction with an emphasis on the education of Speech-Language Pathologists. This 2 ½ day conference will provide state-of-the-art information to facilitate and enhance the quality of
life of individuals who have undergone total laryngectomy. There is a
direct focus on speech, voice, and communication concerns including
esophageal and electrolaryngeal speech, and tracheoesophageal puncture
voice restoration. This also includes skill-building experiences for
those who attend.
Online registration can be completed by going to the following link:
If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact us via email – Thank you for your time and we look forward to welcoming you.
Philip C. Doyle, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Jodi Knott, M.S., CCC-SLP, & Jeff Searl, Ph.D., CCC-SLP AHNCR Conference Co-Organizers
InHealth Technologies
Blom TEP Course: Tracheoesophageal Puncture and Prosthesis for Post-laryngectomy Voice Restoration, Carmel, IN 2018
Course Dates:
Other upcoming events contact In-Health
International Association of Laryngectomees Annual Meeting and Voice Institute
The IAL holds an annual conference every year in different locations across the USA. It is a wonderful time to meet other laryngectomees, talk to the vendors and try their products. Of course, the Voice Institute has wonderful, informative presentations from medical professionals and laryngectomees.
If you would like to attend the Voice Institute but need financial assistance to get there, WebWhispers does provide needs-based scholarships to individuals who apply. To apply for one of these scholarships, please fill out the Scholarship Application form.
For more information, visit website.
Update in Tracheoesophageal Voice Restoration and Laryngectomy Care
Contact the following for more information:
Mass Eye and Ear and Stanford
2018, Boston, Massachusetts
Laryngectomy: Basic Training
Course #6344
Alaryngeal Speech Options for Laryngectomy Patients
Item #(s): WEB15253F
Head and Neck Cancer Alliance
Formerly known as the Yul Brynner Head and Neck Cancer Foundation
Providing support to head and neck cancer patients throughout the year
Supporting ongoing research in head and neck oncology
Educating children and adults in the disease process, treatment and prevention of head and neck cancer
Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer, Inc.
CONTENTS: During the past twenty years,
SPOHNC’s program of support has become a source of information for oral
and head and neck cancer patients who are trying to gain a better
understanding of their illness and their lives. News From SPOHNC, a
newsletter published by the organization, hopes to increase awareness of
the many ongoing issues related to oral and head and neck cancer while
offering information, support and encouragement. Medical information,
authored by healthcare professionals and written in lay terminology, is
available to patients, their families and friends, and members of the
healthcare community. Additional information from research institutes,
cancer centers, universities, governmental agencies, medical support
groups and from patients themselves is also included in the newsletter.
News From SPOHNC helps to increase awareness of the many ongoing issues related to head and neck cancer and to address the broad medical,
emotional and humanistic needs of patients empowering each to take an
active role in his or her recovery. This newsletter is published 8 times
each year. They now have over 100 local support groups. SPOHNC charges a
$25.00 individual annual membership fee.