At the IAL Annual Meeting and Voice Institute, you can attend and our Awards Dinner for WebWhispers, national and local events information. We also sponsor WW Cruises. We communicate through email lists and Facebook.
Our loan closet is for temporary use of an electrolarynx. Check the Local club list for clubs in your area. We offer scholarships to those attending the IAL If you are Voice Institute. We have free WW brochures.
We offer these lists of suppliers as a service to our members. Don’t forget to check out the items made by or for members, shown in our Webbies Workshops.
This includes information insurance, computer and internet tips, laryngectomy reading materials, and information on volunteering.
Laryngectomy Safety Issues
Sections for before and after laryngectomy surgery, Symptoms, treatments, and side effects are covered. Links are provided to otolaryngology centers and other reliable sources for additional information and support.
Readers interested in reprinting an article from any part of our library and/or newsletters for use in another newsletter, handout, or for any other noncommercial purpose are welcome to do so after requesting and receiving permission to reprint, which should be requested from the Editors at At a minimum, the reprinted article should be credited to the original author (if known) and to the section of the WebWhispers library from which it was copied or the edition of the publication from which it was copied.