This list to election of officers in WW and when they are up for reelection.
WW General Election Rules and Schedule
1. A detailed letter to announce opening of nominations will be posted to the list by the last day of October of each year.
2. Nominations Timing:
Open – November 01, 12:01 am EST
Close – The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 12:00 Midnight EST
3. Voting Timing:
Open – December 01, 12:01 am EST
Close – December 07, 12:00 Midnight EST
4. Nominations Rules:
All Candidates for office to be nominated as follows:
All candidates for office, nominators, nominees, and members seconding, must be sustaining members at the time of nomination. A sustaining member may nominate himself/herself or any other sustaining member for an open position (with the nominee’s written permission).
A candidate, including an incumbent, must submit an email letter of intent to run and/or acceptance of the nomination, to the Board of Directors and the election committee through the special email address to be furnished. Each nomination must include the names and email addresses of the two sustaining members agreeing to second.
A candidate may run for only one position in each election. If a candidate wishes to run for a position other than the one they have been nominated for, they must first withdraw from the original nominated position by writing a withdrawal statement to the Board of Directors and the election coordinating committee (email must be sent from the candidate’s member email address) before going through the nomination process again for the new position.
5. Voting Eligibility:
Only members that are on the “Sustaining Members” list as of close of nominations are eligible to vote. Any donations sent after that time will make that person eligible to vote for the next year’s election but not for the current election.
6. Voting Procedure:
One Ballot, One Vote
The first name or initial and last name of the voter as they are listed on the sustaining member roster is to be used and the voters email address must correspond to their current member email address.
Write in votes are not counted.
Current Year
The people nominating, seconding, running for office, or voting MUST be sustaining members.
The current list may be found in the sustaining member page, found in the about us section of the upper right of the home page.
If you are not on the list and wish to be, please check out:
Donate by using the donation form at the top right of the home page.
This is not just for our newer members but for long term members, not just for laryngectomees, but also for SLPs, vendors, caregivers and friends who wish to have a say in how WebWhispers is run.
If you are not on the list and think your contribution has been missed, please write to me and we’ll check for errors. It would be better that you ask now so we have time to search donations and database.
Tom Whitworth
WebWhispers, Inc.
Previous Years
VP Web Site Information – Mike Rosenkranz
VP Member Services – Scott Sysum
Board of Directors – F & A – Terry Duga
Board of Directors – IA – Michael Csapo
President – Pat W Sanders
VP – Internet Activities – Jeff Vanden Hogen
VP Finance & Admin – Tom Whitworth
Notice to Email Distribution list with results 11/27/14
Nominations closed on November 26, 12:00 Midnight Eastern. Currently two (2)
offices were open for election and both incumbents notified the WW Board
of Directors that the officer intended to seek re-election. With no other
nominations, these two are elected by acclamation to serve till elections
are held in 2016.
VP Web Site Information – Mike Rosenkranz
Board of Directors – F & A – Terry Duga
Congratulations to the two nominees and thanks to them for giving so much
of themselves and their time to WebWhispers! They are wonderful hard working members and officers. It is a pleasure to continue working with them.
If anyone is interested in working with us and having a say-so in what goes
on within the active running of WW, please let us know.
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the trust you show in us.
Pat Sanders, President
WebWhispers, Inc.
Notice to list with results 11/28/13
Nominations closed on November 27, 12:00 Midnight EST. Currently three (3) offices were open for election and all three incumbents notified the WW Board of Directors that the officer intended to seek re-election. With no other nominations, these three are elected by acclamation to serve till elections are held in 2015.
President – Pat W Sanders
Vice President – Internet Activities – Michael Csapo
Vice President – Member Services – Ed Chapman
Congratulations to the other two nominees and thanks to them for giving so much of themselves and their time to WebWhispers! They are wonderful, hard working, members and officers. It is a pleasure to continue working with them.
If anyone is interested in working with us and having a say-so in what goes on within the active running of WW, please let me know and we will find something you enjoy doing. We are in need of extra help and we are always looking for back up for the workers we have now.
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the trust you show in us.
Pat Sanders, President
WebWhispers, Inc.
Notice to members in list with results of elections, 11/22/12
Congratulations to both the nominees and thanks to them for giving so much of themselves and their time to WebWhispers!
Vice President – VP Web Site Information – Mike Rosenkranz
Board of Directors – Terry Duga
They will serve until 2014
A special note in the notice relating to no additional nominations
There is a very good reason for this happening almost every time. Our officers are working officers with a lot of responsibilities and all of them have worked with us in one department or another first before becoming an officer and in charge of running certain sections of WebWhispers. If you are interested in working with us and having a say-so in what goes on within the active running of WW, please let us know and we will find something you enjoy doing.
A notice was placed in the list in a timely manner to officially open the nominations.
Dates for 2012 Elections:
Nominations will open on November 01, 2012. 12:01 am EST for our 2012
WebWhispers elections. Nominations will close on November 21, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 12:00 Midnight EST.
If voting is necessary, an election website page will be announced and will be open for voting on December 1st through December 7th. You will be able to go there to vote and leave comments. You must sign your vote with full name and email address. The location of the page will be announced just prior to time to vote.
Announcement of election results will be the day after voting ceases or as
soon a possible after that. New terms will begin December 8th or as soon as transfer can be made with a deadline of January 1, 2013.
The nominations deadline passed for our annual elections and there were no additional nominations for the open positions; therefore the following have been elected by acclamation to serve a two year term of office. Congratulations to all!
President – Pat W Sanders
Vice President – Internet Activities – Michael Csapo
Vice President – Member Services – Ed Chapman
Notice for all members: Sent to list 10/27/11
Nominations will open on November 01, 2011. 12:01 am EST for our 2011
WebWhispers elections. Nominations will close on November 23, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 12:00 Midnight EST.
Our elected offices are filled for terms of two years with alternate yearly
elections. Currently three (3) offices are open for election and all three
incumbents have notified the WW Board of Directors that the officer intends to seek re-election. These nominations are:
President – office currently held by Pat W Sanders, who intends to seek
Vice President – Internet Activities – currently held by Michael Csapo, who
intends to seek re-election.
Vice President – Member Services – currently held by Ed Chapman, who
intends to seek re-election.
Only Sustaining Members may nominate, be nominated, vote in the election, and hold elective office. We currently have Sustaining Members listed on our website under <>.
You may check everything entered as of today and we will be updating. If
you are listed or not listed incorrectly, please let us know…. unless it
is in the last few weeks. Those are not posted yet.
If you are not a sustaining member and wish to be, please go to:
Any donations received after nominations close (Wednesday before
Thanksgiving) will not be eligible to vote this year.
If you wish to place YOUR NAME on the ballot for one of these offices,
simply send an email to indicating your intent, along with the names and email addresses of two other WW sustaining members who will support your nomination.
If you wish to nominate SOMEONE ELSE for an office, please check with that member FIRST and then send an email nominating that person to, along with the name and email address of one other WW member seconding the nomination.
An election website page will be announced and will be open for voting on
December 1st through December 7th. You will be able to go there to vote and leave comments. You must sign your vote with full name and email address. The location of the page will be announced just prior to time to vote.
Announcement of election results will be the day after voting ceases or as
soon a possible after that. New terms will begin December 8th or as soon as transfer can be made with a deadline of January 1, 2012.
Thanks much for your attention to this matter.
WebWhispers Board of Directors
Pat W Sanders, President
Since the nominations deadline passed last night for our annual elections and there were no additional nominations for the open positions, the following have been elected by acclamation to serve a two year term of office. Congratulations to all!
Carla Lynch – VP Finance & Administration – Carla Lynch <>
Mike Rosenkranz – VP Website Information – Mike Rosenkranz <>
Terry Duga, long time VP, has been appointed to the BOD and we are happy that he is recovering steadily from his stroke.
We ended our election year with 278 sustaining members.
We welcome comments from our members and you may write to any one of us whenever you wish (See the Contact Us section from the Home Page).
Elections will be for Two Year Terms for:
VP Member Services
VP Internet Activities
10/21/09 – Letter sent to WW Email list:
Notice for all members:
Nominations will open on November 01, 2009. 12:01 am EST for our 2009 WebWhispers elections. Nominations will close on November 25, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 12:00 Midnight EST.
Our elected offices are filled for terms of two years with alternate yearly elections. Currently three (3) offices are open for election and, two incumbents have notified the WW Board of Directors that the officer intends to seek re-election. These nominations are:
President – office currently held by Pat W Sanders, who intends to seek re-election.
Vice President – Internet Activities – currently held by Michael Csapo, who intends to seek re-election.
Vice President – Member Services – currently held by Libby Fitzgerald, who will not be seeking re-election. (The WW BOD has unanimously approved the nomination of Ed Chapman who requested to run for this office and, if elected, will change from VP-WSI to VP-MS.)
Only Sustaining Members may nominate, be nominated, vote in the election, and hold elective office. We currently have 237 Sustaining Members, updated 10/21/09. We will not be adding additional names for the next two weeks because the members who do this work will be off on the 2009 WebWhispers cruise. You may check everything entered as of today.
If you are not on the list and wish to be, please go to:
Any donations received after nominations close (Wednesday before Thanksgiving)will not be eligible to vote this year.
If you wish to place YOUR NAME on the ballot for one of these offices, simply send an email to indicating your intent, along with the names and email addresses of two other WW sustaining members who will support your nomination.
If you wish to nominate SOMEONE ELSE for an office, please check with him/her FIRST and then send an email nominating that person to, along with the name and email address of one other WW member seconding the nomination.
An election website page will be announced and will be open for voting on December 1st through December 7th. You will be able to go there to vote and leave comments. You must sign your vote with full name and email address. The location of the page will be announced just prior to time to vote.
Announcement of election results will be the day after voting ceases or as soon a possible after that.
New terms will begin December 8th or as soon as transfer can be made with a deadline of January 1, 2010.
Thanks much for your attention to this matter.
WebWhispers Board of Directors
Pat W Sanders, President
RESULTS – 2009
by acclamation 11/27/09
President – Pat W Sanders
Vice President – Internet Activities – Michael Csapo
Vice President – Member Services – Ed Chapman
Vice President – Web Site Information is filled by Mike Rosenkranz, who was appointed by the President with the permission of the BOD 11/28/09
Since the incumbents were the only nominations, the following have been elected by acclamation to serve a two year term of office. Congratulations!
Nominations for 2008 WebWhispers Annual Election opened Nov 01, 12:01 am EST.
Nominations closed on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Nov 26, 12:01 am EST.
VP Finance & Administration – Terry Duga
VP Web Site Information – Ed Chapman
Board of Directors, Laryngectomee only – Mike Rosenkranz
Board of Directors, Lary or Non-Lary – Carla DeLassus Gress, ScD, CCC-SLP
Since there were no other nominations, the following have been elected by acclamation to serve a two year term of office.
Nominations for 2008 WebWhispers Annual Election opened Nov 01, 12:01 am EST.
Nominations closed on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Nov 26, 12:01 am EST.
Nominations for VP Finance & Administration
I am running for re-election to the position of Vice President — Finance & Administration. I have held this position (originally Treasurer) since the founding of WebWhispers. I incorporated WebWhispers and obained tax exempt status both federally under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and for Indiana, the state of our incorporation.
I am honored to have my nomination seconded by Mary Jane Renner and Richard Najarian.
Terry Duga
Nominations for VP Web Site Information
I, Ed Chapman, am running for re-election to the position of WW Vice President – Web Site Information. I was appointed to this position in 2007 and would like to continue with the planning and completion of the projects at hand. In the last year I have overseen the continuing expansion and updating of the library. There is much more to do in this area as well as the addition of new items and the constant editing of existing information. I was also instrumental in the re-writing of the election rules and policies after serving on the election committee in 2007.
It is a privilege and honor to have my nomination seconded by Vicki Metz and Pat Sanders.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ed Chapman
Nominations for Board of Directors, (Laryngectomee only)
I am running for re-election to the position of Director. I am honored to have my nomination seconded by Michael Csapo and Jim Lauder.
Best regards,
Mike Rosenkranz
Nominations for Board of Directors, (Lary or Non-Lary)
I am running for re-election to the Board of Directors. I have been involved with WebWhispers for many years, since the days when there were less than 50 subscribers to the first email list. As a SLP, I always knew that WW had a unique potential to impact survivors of laryngeal cancer across the globe. I am proud to be associated with this organization, and to contribute to the discussions from a medical perspective. I am honored to have my nomination sponsored by Herb Simon and David Blevins.
Many thanks for your consideration, and all that you have done to assist me and my patients.
Carla DeLassus Gress, ScD, CCC-SLP
Sustaining members 301; actually voting 102
Re-elected for Two Year Term:
President – Pat Sanders
VP Member Services – Libby Fitzgrald
VP Internet Activities – Michael Csapo
ELECTION NOTICE to go to list
This is a DRAFT to open nominations
Email to the list:
Nominations will open on November 01, 12:01 am EST for our 20__ WebWhispers elections. Nominations will close on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 12:00 Midnight EST.
Our seven elected offices are filled for terms of two years with alternate yearly elections. Currently___ offices are open for elections and, in each case, the incumbent has notified the WW Board of Directors that the officer intends to seek re-election. These nominations are:
List offices:
President – (currently held by____________ )
Vice President – _________ (currently held by ________)
BOD – (currently held by_______________)
Only Sustaining Members may vote in the election, and only Sustaining Members may be nominated and hold elective office. We currently have ____ Sustaining Members (updated ___________) and you may check to see if your name is on the list:
If you are not on the list and wish to be, please check out:
If you wish to place YOUR NAME on the ballot for one of these offices, simply send an email to indicating your intent, along with the names and email addresses of at least two other WW members who will support your nomination.
If you wish to nominate SOMEONE ELSE for an office, please check with him/her FIRST and then send an email nominating that person to, along with the name and email address of at least one other WW member seconding the nomination.
An election website page will be announced and will be open for voting on December 1st through December 7th. You will be able to go there to vote and leave comments. You must sign with full name and email address. The location of the page will be announced just prior to time to vote.
Announcement of election results will be the day after voting ceases or as soon a possible after that.
New terms will begin as soon as transfer can be made with a deadline of January 1, 20___.
Thanks much for your attention to this matter.
WebWhispers Board of Directors
_____________, President